The Members are Saying

Aug 24, 2022

Throughout July and August, as the Chamber staff were out and about in the city, they  dropped in on Chamber members for a brief visit.  The Staff appreciates the time each business owner or manager spent to talk about their business and to answer 4 questions.

For an organization that is 120 years old, the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce continues to be relevant and thriving, according to its members.  The members had the following to say about the Chamber:

  1.   Why do you do business in Yorkton?
  • The overwhelming response, over 75%, indicated they continue to do business, or came to Yorkton to set up a business, due to its opportunity for growth.  
  • Other reasons:
      • Large trading area
      • Biggest city in the trading area so people come for  medical appointments and to check out the big box stores resulting in visits to other businesses
      • 4 highways leading to Yorkton are a great asset
      • Yorkton is a great community to raise a family – one that is safe and has all the amenities

    2. You invest in your business by renewing your membership in the Chamber year-after-year.  What is it about the Chamber that is so important to your business?

The responses to this question can be categorized into 3 main themes:

 45% indicated they appreciate the work the Chamber does on its behalf:

• Meeting with the city to discuss concerns and opportunities or to discuss specific problems a business or group of      businesses has encountered with the city

 Letters sent by the Chamber to the provincial and federal governments on issues relevant to business

 Encouragement from the Yorkton Chamber  to its members to participate in campaigns initiated by the Canadian Chamber such as opposition to the taxing of employee health benefits and the changes to the income tax rules

 35% talked about the networking opportunities through the Chamber:

 Opportunities  to meet other business people at Chamber events

  The “connectedness” the businesses feel to one another and to the community at large through the email blasts

 Supporting the Chamber through membership is viewed as important.  As one member said, “The Chamber is people working together to make the community grow and be a better place to live and do business.


25% cited the affinity programs available through their Chamber membership:

 The Chamber Group Insurance Plan and the preferred member rates on data processing offered through First Data are important to the membership

• Mentions in the Chamber’s newsletter the Courier and on its facebook page, member first referrals and being listed on the Member Roster on the Chamber’s website


 3. Would you recommend to your fellow business owners that their businesses become Chamber members?  Response to this question was either “Absolutely!” or “Yes!”


 4. When was your business started?

The reason for this question is to expand the Congratulations section of the Courier.   Whether you have been in business for 5 years or 55 years or 105 years (some of our members have actually been in business that long), it’s worth noting and celebrating.  The Chamber staff noted these dates and have them filed for future reference.


We ♥ the Chamber because:

  • The Chamber can help you out
  • It can help you promote your business
  • It’s a way to network with other businesses and develop your professionalism
  • The Chamber is all about business.  It goes hand-in-hand with doing business in Yorkton
  • The Chamber takes care of the “little guy”
  • You never know when you will need the Chamber to help you or answer your questions