Looking for Staff?

Aug 24, 2022

If you’re a business owner and you need an employee or employees to fill out your staff roster, you will want to check in on Yorkton Tribal Council’s Pre-Employment Support (PES) Program.  The program is designed to assist young adults, 18 – 24 years, from Yorkton Tribal Council’s six member Nations in transitioning to full employment.  As an employer, why should you be interested?

  • YTC’s Career Coaches ensure their clients are ready for the work force
  • YTC’s Career Coaches identify individuals who are qualified to apply for the jobs you have to offer
  • You interview the candidates and select the candidate or candidates you believe will best fit into your business
  • The Program will subsidize 20 – 80% of the successful candidate’s gross salary for up to one year
  • While the Employer is under no obligation, it’s hoped that the work experience will provide positive results for both the Employer and the Employee, and that full time employment will result for the Employee

If this Program interests, you, contact Byron Langan at YTC to discuss it further.  Byron can be reached at 306-782-3865 or 306-620-5579 or Byron.langan@ytai.org