2024 Chamber Highlights
While you worked in your business, the Chamber worked for you:
You work hard in your business and for your business. You invest in your business by belonging to business organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce. As “the voice of business in Yorkton and district”, the Chamber’s purpose is to work for you on the opportunities and issues facing the entire business community. 420+ voices are louder than just one. Below is a summary of the 2024 highlights:
Advocacy: Informing the various orders of government of policies or legislation having an impact on the business community:
- Met with City Council
- Met with Greg Ottenbreit, MLA
- Met twice with Cathay Wagantall, MP
- Met with representatives from APAS
- Met with the STEP Board of Directors
- Held a meeting with Chamber members in June to discuss difficulties they have experienced with the city over their expansion plans. Resolutions were also discussed
- Surveyed members and then developed Talking Points documents for both the Provincial and Municipal elections outlining issues and opportunities relevant to the Yorkton business community
- Hosted All Candidates’ Forums prior to both the Provincial and Municipal elections
- Prepared and published an article about the city of Yorkton and area in the spring edition of Global Ventures magazine
- Attended the Sask Chamber’s Political Forum in April
- Co-sponsored 2 resolutions submitted by the Sask Chamber to the Canadian Chamber and both were adopted: Enhancing Rail Fluidity for Supply Chain Efficiency; and Fulfilling Canada’s Commitment to Triple Nuclear Energy by 2050
- Member of the regional economic development committee – the Central Prairie Development Alliance
- Letters & Emails Sent to:
- Cathay Wagantall re: Bill C-58 Anti Replacement Workers Legislation
- MLAs Greg Ottenbreit, Warren Kaeding, Terry Dennis and Travis Keisig prior to the Budget about the importance of Grain Millers Drive to both Yorkton and the province
- Letters to Federal Ministers re:
- Federal employees back to offices in September
- Reconsider proposal to increase capital gains inclusion rate
- Co-signatory to letters from the Canadian Chamber to various ministers regarding potential labour disruptions on Class 1 Railways; averting labour disruptions on railways; averting labour disruptions at Metro Vancouver port terminals; averting labour disruptions at Port of Montreal
- Letter to Minister of Highways offering assistance with moving forward on Grain Millers Drive
- Letter to City administration re: Procurement practices for services
Education & Linking: Providing members with opportunities to grow their businesses through enhanced learning and linking with other businesses
- Chamber AGM & Member Appreciation with Geoff Propp, GM of Harvest Meats as Guest Speaker
- Coffee with the Chamber held twice. Topics included shoplifting; and public safety in Yorkton
- Celebrate Success Business Awards where business excellence was celebrated and awards were presented in 16 categories
- 25th Annual Chamber Business Dinner with Barb Stefanyshyn-Cote as the Guest Speaker
And the Chamber achieved re-Accreditation by the Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada for the period January 2024 – Dec 2026. The Yorkton Chamber is one of only 71 Chambers of Commerce across Canada to achieve Accreditation
As one wise person said, “A Chamber of Commerce is a small hinge that swings really big doors”. Belonging to a Chamber helps you to swing those big doors.
Let the Chamber work for you in 2025.
Previous Highlights
2023 Chamber Highlights
While You Worked in Your Business, the Chamber Worked for You! You work hard in your business and for your business. You invest in your business by...
2022 Chamber Highlights
While You Worked in Your Business, the Chamber Worked for You! As a member of the Yorkton Chamber in 2022, you viewed the membership as an investment in your...
2021 Chamber Highlights
While You Worked in Your Business, the Chamber Worked for You! 2021 was a year of uncertainty, challenges and opportunities for the business community. ...
2020 Chamber Highlights
While You Worked in Your Business, the Chamber Worked for YOU! In 2020, you invested in your business by becoming a Chamber member. The Board of...
2019 Chamber Highlights
While You Worked in Your Business, the Chamber Worked for You! Membership in the Chamber of Commerce is an investment in your business. While you’re busy...
2018 Chamber Highlights
2018 has been a milestone year for the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce! In addition to some celebrations to mark the anniversary, the Chamber, as always, has...
2017 Chamber Highlights
As “the voice of business in Yorkton”, the Chamber is charged with the task of advocating for its members and providing educational and networking...
2016 Chamber Highlights
As the year draws to a close, it’s important for the Chamber membership to know and understand how the Chamber has been working for you. As “the voice of...
History Throughout the Years (2010 – 2015)
2015 2014 2013 2012 2010Board Directors 2015 Executive: Joel Martinuk- President Don Rae- Past President Corey Werner- VP; Co-Chair Business Development...
History 2010
Yorkton Chamber of Commerce History 2010 The first order of business in 2010 for the Chamber was to welcome to its new president Lawrence Wegner as well as...
History 2009
Yorkton Chamber of Commerce History 2009 In 2009, under the continued presidency of Lori Walsh, the Chamber was presented with the opportunity to partner with...
History 2008
Yorkton Chamber of Commerce History 2008 The 110th Year of the Chamber of Commerce is one that saw many changes to the Chamber. Lori Walsh was elected...