Obligation of Chamber More Than Store Hours
January 23, 1981

The obligation of the Chamber of Commerce goes beyond a concern with store hours, tourist booths and attending receptions. That was the message delivered Friday to theannual meeting of the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce by Will Klein of Regina, president of Pioneer Life Assurance. Klein, who has a long association with business, service clubs and the media, was the guest speaker at the annual meeting and installation of officers. “The Chamber of Commerce should be the voice of business within the community,” Klein told those in attendance. Business is people and people are the driving force, yet a successful entrepreneur is looked upon almost as a sinner,” he said. “We cry out for government to regulate our competitors, but we don’t want to be regulated ourselves. Society is caught up in “something for nothing” era, but that dependence leads to subservience, he said, fostering a “laissez-fair” attitude, “There’s a refreshing breeze blowing through the windows south of the 49th parallel,” he said. Problems are not solved by government. Perhaps the problem is the government. “I wonder if everything in the country would stop if a moratorium was put on new legislation every second year.” he said the individual was unrecognized, but the bastion of strength, to make an organization like the Chamber go. The individual is the very cornerstone, but is being eroded, he added. The biggest obstacle to an individual is the belief that everything is so big, one person can’t do anything. But by interacting with others, one person can, Klein said. The Chamber of Commerce must speak out, and strongly, for Canada. “The voice of the Chamber of Commerce is important, and it must be heard. If we don’t seize the opportunity the loss might well be the right to be individuals. As individuals, we can’t do everything, but we can do something.” In her final address as had of the Chamber, outgoing president Alicia Lomas recapped the highlights in term, including air service citing air service and six-day shopping as two major points. In closing, she said that in 1980, 11 cities operated on a five day week for their businesses. Now, there are only four, one of which is Yorkton. “Our city shouldn’t be the last to lift restrictions on six day shopping,” she urged. Incoming president Ken Philip outlined his aspirations for the coming year. He said he would like to see more members actively involved in the coming year, and efforts would be made to enhance relations between various sectors of the business community. “We’ll also be taking a higher profile in legislation, he said, ‘reviewing all levels of government.’ Judge A.M. Kindred was on hand at the meeting to install the new executive, which included Ken Philip, president; Ron Balacko, executive vice president; Dick Drryck, Vice Presidnet; and Guy Lamb, Vice President. Directors for the coming year will be Major Frank Birchall, Karen Dowie, Al Gedcke, Mike Gorenko, Ray Herasymuik, Ron Migneault, John Miller, Bill Oliver, Terry Pister, Barry Pratt, Stan Stephenson, and Bob Stephens.

This publication is from January 23, 1981